the deep forest.

Warmaster - Not-Tomb Kings

Front of lich mage model.

I've gotten some more not-tomb kings sculpts done for me by John Braisby at Cromarty Forge. This time around I got 6 archer sculpts and the lich mage seen in the header. These add on to the existing spearmen and give me the very early beginnings of a range of ancient undead at 10mm.

I have been throwing around some rules ideas for a 10mm fantasy wargame set in a pre-historic Hyborian age type setting. Sort of Conan adjacent with these civilisations at roughly classical era technology, but with the addition of magic in low quantities, but awesome effect.

Seeing the success of Mork Borg & Planet28 is spurring me on to create something that is heavily old school inspired and well put together graphically, but also a good, modern ruleset for the sort of games I want to be playing. I really just want to throw some huge armies together and get a game done in an hour and a half.

Pipe dreaming, but how delish would it be to put together a small box set, with an a5 riso zine of the rules, along with two small forces and some minor terrain. The idea of making physical things is calling to me.
